Doctor Guandalini European Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology
I have been working with this Ophtalcare ntraocular lens since 2019. I found it very safe, even in some cases with zonula distachement, or with capsula split . I recommand it.
​​Doctor Jean-Yves Douet Associate Professor in veterinary ophthalmology
The first Ophtalcare intraocular lens ( IOL ) for dog, were implanted in our unit.
I particularly appreciated this innovative design that allows :
-a good tension of the posterior capsula to prevent PCO
-an immediate centration of the lens, which optimize vision recovery after surgery
-a unique size and a preloaded presentation for a more efficient and safe implantation.
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse ENVT
Doctor Yastrebov veterinary ophthalmology in Moscow
I like these new design and new injectors. It works much more stable.
Doctor Cazalot veterinary ophthalmology in Toulouse
Ophtalcare implants have the particularity of adapting to the size of the capsular bag thanks to their flexible haptics. They avoid the torsion and decentering of the implant, which appears moreover perfectly well tolerated by the highly sensitive uveal tunic of the dog. A further evolution for the comfort of our patients!.